COMENIUS Projekt 2008 - 2010
„Being young in Europe
in the present and in the past“

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Final Project Meeting in Izmi |
von Edeltraud Rechberger
Final Meeting Izmir, Turkey
Four teachers, seven students and I went to Izmir to take part in the final Comenius meeting. We spent five days there with host families. It was a really interesting experience to see how they live, go to school and what they do in their free time.
Izmir is a really big city. In the northern part, where we stayed and where the school campus is situated, there are only apartment blocks. The apartment where I stayed with Öykü and her family is really nice, though I wouldn't like to live there. When you look out of the window you only see apartment blocks and skyscrapers. Living in a big city like Izmir would be difficult for me because I'd miss nature and fresh air.
Öykü's family is very nice. Her mother works very hard and Öykü sees her mother only three times a week. I'm used to get a fresh meal every day which my mum prepares for us. This is simply not possible for Öykü's mum.

Christine with Öykü and her mother
In Austria I go to bed at nine o'clock but in Izmir we used to walk around and meet friends until late at night. I liked the ITK (= the Turkish partner school) very much. It's a huge, new building and they can do a lot of things there.
One of the things I enjoyed most was that six older students took care of us. All the students from the partner countries had their own guide who was in charge of them. Our guide's name was Kral. The guides looked after us, showed us around and explained everything and whenever we had a problem we could go and ask them. It was quite funny because most of the time they wore black suits, white shirts and ties and they looked really serious. Everything was well organized.

in the middle: Kral, our guide
We had a lot of fun. Visiting Ephesus, the house of Virgin Mary and Atatürk's house in Izmir and doing our presentation in front of a very big crowd were just some of the highlights.
All in all it was a big adventure for me! (Christine)

Christine and Öykü in Ephesus